Critical Impairments

Your fire system is a “passive” system, sitting idle until called into action only during the worst of scenarios….. a fire.

The required NFPA 25 Inspection is engineered to spot deficiencies and critical impairments that may cause your system to fail when lives are on the line. Don’t leave safety to chance, contact our Team to schedule your fire system inspection.

Fire Pump Damage Internal Inspection

Weekly Fire Pump Testing

The most demanding systems often require the use of a Fire Pump to increase water pressure needed to fight a fire. Our client reported an abnormal sound coming from the fire pump during their weekly fire pump test. This debris was found during the internal inspection prompted by that testing.

5th Year Testing

The FDC is used by responding Fire Departments to supplement supply pressure to a sprinkler or standpipe system during a fire. Because the exterior FDC piping is subject freezing temperatures, it sits without water pressure until needed. This FDC failed to hold pressure during the 5th Year Hydrostatic Test that is meant to simulate the crucial firefighting response tactic.